You aren’t here by accident. You’re here by Design.

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Uncover the real YOU. Live your life’s Design and step into the next evolution of who you were meant to be.

Just like the cycles of the sun and moon, our energies are constantly shifting. It can feel difficult to understand and navigate these changes as they occur. As you attempt to settle into these adjustments, you may feel out of balance—as though past beliefs, repetitive behaviors, and negative patterns are holding you back from a more gratifying life.

However, your path to fulfillment is already laid out for you, and has been from the moment you were born. All you have to do is step into the life you desire, and deserve. 

This path can unfold through the understanding of Human Design.

Human Design is a synthesis of Modern Astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the Hindu Chakra System and Quantum Physics. This practice offers a personalized roadmap—one that will aid you in navigating who you are and what you are capable of. Human Design is a language that highlights the power of you, and what your purpose is in this world.

While life inevitably has ebbs and flows, you may find that understanding your Design helps you navigate roadblocks with minimal resistance. It offers a deeper understanding of your strengths, your vulnerabilities, as well as how you deal with life’s challenges. 

Likewise, knowing these key aspects about yourself can re-energize your victories. You may experience a deeper appreciation of your successes by knowing they were always designed to be there. 

Your Human Design is a unique blueprint. It presents you with the tools you need to live in alignment with your divine plan. Like puzzle pieces falling into place, understanding your Design can offer a sense of clarity—as though you can finally see the bigger picture of who you were intended to be.

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Hi, I’m Annie!

I’m here to guide you towards understanding your Human Design—the unique, energetic blueprint that each of us were born to follow.

Throughout our Human Design reading, I’ll help you realize your exceptional gifts, and how you can use those gifts to re-energize your purpose in life. While doing so, I will also aid you in navigating the challenges that may come with stepping into your genuine self. 

As we connect, you will gain insight on how to decondition yourself from inhibiting beliefs placed upon you at a young age. Breaking out of this mindset will allow you to pursue your life path more effortlessly.

Following your Human Design enables you to step into your life with truth and authenticity.  It’s here where your purpose becomes more apparent, decisions become less of a struggle, and life emerges more harmonious and gratifying.

I’m excited to guide you on your journey of self-re-discovery and help you follow your life’s masterplan. Doing so allows you to live your most authentic life—one filled with clarity and purpose.  

Schedule a session with me today and reacquaint yourself with the purest version of YOU!